Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's close to midnight.

Greetings! Hope you had a great Halloween holiday. The other girls and I went to a Halloween party and trick or treated like we were five years old :) Beforehand, Jill and I went shopping. We will be posting the details of that and pictures of some items that we got later on. But for the Halloween party, Jill went as Barbie and I went as an extreme nerd.

Jill used Michelle Phan's make up tutorial.
Her dress is from Express, her shoes are Uggs, and her cardigan is from Marshall's. She got her accessories from various people. This costume is a great example of just finding things in your closet for a inexpensive costume that is still awesome. You just need a little inspiration.
I got my nerd glasses and red bow from Hot Topic, my black jeans from Forever 21, my suspenders from Burlington Coat Factory, and my Hello Kitty "talk nerdy to me" shirt from Metropark. I wore navy blue converse with the costume. I owned all the items before I put the costume together. On another note, suspenders can be a great addition to an outfit. I will be putting a blog up, later this month, on the use of suspenders.
Both costumes were cute and chic (even my nerdy one). All you need is some inspiration! I am sorry for my recent hiatus. But I will try to post more, despite my busy schedule. Thanks for reading, hope you liked this post!

Kaitlin and All the Rage!